A New Earth
Pheasant, peacock & turkey feathers.
Dimensions: 85 x 180 cm
Mandalas, within the Buddhist tradition, represent connection to life energy or a deepest source. Humans instinctively respond to this sense of connection – to ourselves, to others, and to a source that is both universal and eternal; this is an instinct transcending all boundaries.
In challenging times I tell myself, ‘This is an invitation to trust.’ I believe life holds us, that things work out, even when we cannot see around the corners. The main body of this work is being embraced as a representation of that.
On the recommendation of my then 19-year-old daughter, I was listening to A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle while I created this piece. She had read The Power of Now off my bookshelf and then moved on to A New Earth. It felt fitting, therefore, to use this title for a significant piece of my work, to reflect my pride in my daughter and to honour her personal growth.